The farmers market is the best place to find fresh fruits and vegetables, but it’s also a great opportunity to get your products in front of customers. With the right farmers market marketing strategy and a little bit of creativity, you can boost sales and increase profits at your next farmers market stall. Read on for tips on how to market your local farm at this popular venue!

Create eye-catching signage.
Use a bright, eye-catching sign that is easy to read. A sign with clear, simple language and a message that communicates exactly what you’re selling will make it easier for customers to find your stall. Make sure that it’s large enough so as not to be easily overlooked by passersby, but small enough so it’s easy for you to carry around with you as you move about the market.
Create signage that is easy for customers to carry away from the stall after purchasing something from you. If your product isn’t packaged or wrapped in any way before the sale (such as fruit sold by weight), consider creating small bags or containers for them so they can take their purchase home with them immediately rather than having to wait until they get back home at which point they may have forgotten what they bought!
Emphasize your farm’s mission and values.
The first step to marketing your farmers market stall is to write down your farm’s mission statement and values. These are the core principles that guide you, and they’re important to share with customers and potential customers at farmers markets.
Here are some examples of what a mission statement might look like:
- We provide a space for people to gather, cook meals together, discuss food issues, care for the planet and create community through our shared love of good food.
- Our goal is to showcase the best products available while supporting local businesses by providing them with an opportunity to sell their products in our market. We believe that everyone should have access to fresh fruits and vegetables no matter where they live or how much money they make; thus we offer discounted prices on all items sold here as well as free childcare services during market hours.*
Encourage customers to join your mailing list.
Have you ever wondered how to get your customers to join your mailing list? Well, it’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is ask! When a customer buys something from you, whether it’s at a farmers market or in-store, ask them if they would like to be added to your mailing list.
If they say yes, enter their name into an email marketing database such as MailChimp and send them an email with discount codes or updates about new products. By doing this, you will be able to stay in touch with them over time and build up a rapport that might lead the customer back into your shop again for more purchases in the future.

Give people a reason to come back.
When you’ve got a steady stream of customers, it’s time to start thinking about long-term prospects. If you want people to come back, give them a reason.
Once you have the list, start contacting each person regularly with offers or news on what they can expect from your stall—this will make them feel special and let them know that they are important to you.
You can offer promotions or discounts for repeat customers and ask for feedback if there’s anything that could be improved upon in order to make their experience even better next time around.
Take advantage of social media.
Social media is a great way to build your brand and connect with customers. Take advantage of the following social platforms:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are all excellent places to share photos of your products and promotions. You can also use them to share stories about your business or mission, as well as contact information like the address of your stall at the market.
These platforms are great for building brand awareness because they’re often used by people who are already interested in what you have to offer (i.e., other farmers). So if someone likes one of your photos on Facebook or retweets one of your tweets on Twitter, chances are they’re already familiar with what you do!
You can also use these platforms when there aren’t any markets going on—for example, during off-season months—to keep people engaged with what’s happening at the farmers’ market seasonally or even year-round (if there’s an online store associated with it).
Use a farmers market management application to track sales data
You can use a farmers market management application to track sales data. This will allow you to see how many customers you have, how many transactions are being made, and the total amount of money being spent. It will also show you what products have sold the most and what is selling at a good price point for your business.
It’s important to keep track of all this information so that when tax time comes around, it is easy for you to fill out your taxes accurately based on these figures.
We hope that this post has given you some ideas on how to market your farmers market stall. These tips can help you sell more products at your next farmers market and keep customers coming back for more.
Don’t forget about social media either! There are plenty of platforms that allow you to connect with people who share similar interests as well as show off your farm’s mission statement or values.
Remember: Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive – if it works for your business, then great!
If not… there’s always another day tomorrow when it comes down to deciding what works best for each individual business owner out there.
[…] been shopping at my local markets for years now, and I’m convinced that if more people knew about the benefits of buying from […]